Gravity Wells (Short Stories Collection) читать онлайн

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Название книги: Gravity Wells (Short Stories Collection)
Автор(ы): James Gardner
Жанр: Научная Фантастика
Адрес книги:

In his preface to Three Plays for Puritans, George Bernard Shaw extols the virtues of prefaces and berates Shakespeare for never writing one. "I would give half a dozen of Shakespear's (Shaw had his own unique way of spelling things. Shaw had his own unique way of doing practically everything.) plays for one of the prefaces he ought to have written."Far be it from me to take sides in the famous (one-sided) fight between Shaw and Shakespeare; but I confess, I like prefaces and enjoy reading what writers have to say about their writing. One of the great formative influences in my youth was the Dangerous Visions anthology edited by Harlan Ellison. Every story in the book started with an introduction by Ellison and ended with an afterword by the author—some of them chatty, some of them evasive, some of them talking about what goes through a writer's head as he or she tries to make a story work. It was the first time I really got a sense that peopl
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