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Название книги: Elminster's Daughter
Автор(ы): Ed Greenwood
Жанр: Фэнтези
Адрес книги: http://www.6lib.ru/books/Elminster_s-Daughter-145752.html

Ed GreenwoodELMINSTER'S DAUGHTER Sons, sons—always you boast of what your tall sons will do, with their sharp new wits and sharper new swords! Remember, O Prince, that you have also daughters! You're not the first man, great or low, to forget the shes he's sired, but mark this wisdom, Lord (not mine, but from the pen of a loremaster who was dust before dragons were ever driven from this land): The sages who turn the pages of history have a word for men who overlook their daughters . . . and that word is "fools."Astramas Revendimar,Court Sage of CormyrLetters To A Man To Be KingYear of the Smiling FlameOneA MURDEROUS MEETING OF MERCHANTSA wizard, a merchant, a lord among merchants—I see no shortage of fools here.The character Turst Sharptongue in Scene the Firstof the play Windbag of Waterdeepby Tholdomor "the Wise" Rammaraskfirst performed in the Year of the HarpIt was a moonfleet night, the silvery Orb of Selune scudding amid racing tatters of glowing cloud high above the proud spires of Waterdeep. Wi
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