книга Obsession

Kay David

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книга Obsession

What would you do for your kids?
Emma Toussaint would do anything – or so she's always thought. She needs money – lots of it – to regain custody, and then one day, opportunity comes knocking. All she has to do is break the law.
What would you do to get even with the man who stole your life?
Raul Santos would do anything – or so he's always thought. He was framed and sent to prison by a corrupt DEA agent. Now he wants revenge, and he doesn't care who gets hurt along the way – until he meets Emma.
What would you do if the person you love is caught between you and your worst enemy? That's the question Raul has to answer.

Жанр: Современные любовные романы
Скачано: 37 раз
Прочитано: 669 раз

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